Thursday, January 29, 2009
Mommy's B-day

Monday, January 26, 2009
Jillian learned a new maneuver on Saturday at Andy's birthday party. From a sitting position, she got up on her feet ... without grabbing onto anything to pull herself up! She has learned to get her feet under her and push up with her arms to a standing position. And as of today (Monday), she is choosing to crawl less and walk more, which means she pops up to standing most of the time when she wants to get somewhere. Maybe that should come as no surprise, since Jillian has become a speedy little walker. Here's a little video:
Tooth Update
It didn't take long. That bottom-left tooth must have just come in, because it's peeking through today. So that brings Jillian's tooth count up to 8. Even though she's got all these chompers, she's still fussy when it comes to eating solids.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Three at Once
Within the last day or so, Jillian had 3 teeth come in! Ouch. We knew that something had been going on for awhile now, what with all the congestion, biting everything in sight and the all-around crabbiness. And we had been feeling some sharp little bumpies just under her gums on both the top and bottom for a long time. Well, today Cousin Meagan noticed that a tooth had come in, and after further searching by everyone else, we found out that Jillian had 2 new teeth on the top and 1 new tooth on the bottom (and the other bottom tooth must be very close). That now makes for a total of 7 teeth so far.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Andy's B-day

It was non-stop action all afternoon long, as Aunt Sheryl and Aunt Denise's house was packed with kids and adults. Everyone gorged themselves on Andy's favorite foods like tortellini, lasagna and mac & cheese ... except Jillian, who couldn't be bothered with food - there was too much to do! Then, we sang to the birthday boy and ate cake and ice cream. It was a great time, and Jillian loved it, too ... though her favorite thing had to be the great big staircase that she climbed up many, many times.
While at a volleyball tournament, Jillian got ahold of a whistle ... and it wasn't long before she was making all kinds of "tweeting" sounds. Mommy also keeps a whistle in one of the desk drawers, and Jillian likes to pull it out and play with it. Here's a short video of some whistlin':
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sighting No. 24

The Librarian
Jillian has quite a collection of books. She has a ton of them in Mommy and Daddy's room, and she has a little stash of her favorite board books in the living room. She spends a good part of her time grabbing a bunch of her books, sitting down on the floor and flipping their pages. Most of all, she loves to have Mommy or Daddy read the books to her, over and over again. If we're in the room with her, she'll motor over to her books, grab one and lift it up to us (sometimes with a little "yell").
Baby Kisses

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Outdoor Girl


Friday, January 16, 2009
Just say "No!"
Jillian's vocabulary now includes the word "No" ... it was going to happen sooner or later! Right now, she just says it when we read the "Where's Spot?" book to her. When we ask whether Spot is behind the door, inside the clock, etcetera ... she opens up the book flap and says "No". Here's a short video of it:
Smooth Moves
Jillian's entertainment center has a lot of catchy songs that make her want to dance. Here's a short clip of her "getting down" to some kid tunes (and if you watch close, you can see her do her little leg kick at the end ... it's one of her signature moves):
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Long, Long Nights
The past few weeks have been very tiring for Mommy and Daddy. Jillian has not been sleeping very well at all. She fights going to bed, as usual, but now she is waking up at all times throughout the night. And once she's up, there's lots of crying. We've found that one of the things that wakes her up is the congestion she has in her sinuses. Jillian seems to breathe OK during the daytime, but once she's been asleep for awhile, things start to plug up ... and when she can't breathe through her nose, that's when she wakes up. If we prop her up a little, then she'll clear up and go into a deep sleep again ... We're not entirely sure what is causing this, whether it's a mild cold that's hanging on, or teething symptoms (though no teeth have pushed through for awhile), or maybe allergies? Whatever it is, we hope it's a phase that passes soon.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Speeding Up
It seems as though Jillian has picked up a little foot speed in the last few days. Now it's not a matter of whether she'll stay on her feet, but how fast can she get to where she's going. Here's a short clip of Jillian zipping along:
Monday, January 12, 2009
Cap o' Water
Here's a guest video sent in by Aunt Des, showing Cousin Rielee giving Jillian a little drink of water out of the bottle cap. Rielee really likes to feed Jillian, and Jillian likes it, too!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The Chase Game
One of Jillian's favorite games is "The Chase Game". It involves her crawling down the hall (usually towards the bathroom where she's not supposed to be), and Mommy or Daddy chasing her, saying "I'm gonna get you!" Jillian tries to crawl really fast, but her giggling slows her down. When we catch her and tickle her, she giggles even more. Then, she keeps crawling and we keep chasing her. She thinks the game is pretty hysterical.
Girl in the Mirror
Here's a little bonus video of Jillian today. She thought it was pretty funny to see herself in the mirror (the big one in the hallway) ... then she gave herself a big kiss!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Giver
Something new for Jillian is that she likes to give things. It's usually a toy or book that she has, and if she wants us to play with the toy or read the book to her, she'll reach and hold it out for us to take from her. So we make the toy go-go or read the book, and as soon as we give it back, she gives it back to us ... and that can go on for awhile. This is far different from when she has been trying to keep things away from our hands.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Sighting No. 23

Sighting No. 22

Monday, January 5, 2009
Gym Rat
It was a long, long day at the gym on Sunday. Mommy coached her club volleyball team in the first tournament of the season, and Jillian spent the entire day playing around in the gym and in the school halls. She had lots of company, since there was a lot of family to help babysit, including Grannie, Auntie Greta, Uncle Clark, Auntie Sheryl and Aunt Robin. Then there were all the volleyball players, which included her cousins Tierney, Meagan and Macee, who entertained her. And Cousins Adam and Andy were there for even more fun! All of the action eventually wore Jillian out, and she took several naps throughout the day, despite the noise in the gyms. Through it all, Jillian was a happy little girl, which is a good thing, because she is going to be spending many, many more days in gyms in the months and years to come.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Entertainment Center

More New Stuff
It's all hard to keep up with, the new things that Jillian figures out. Here's a few more ...
1. She has started pointing at things, although it's with kind of an open fist. No finger pointing yet. But, she likes to point her arm in the direction of photos of people she recognizes, or things that she wants.
2. We'll have to see where this goes, but Jillian has gotten into the habit of yelling when she wants to get our attention, or when she wants something. It can be pretty loud, and she tenses up her arms and legs to get the maximum effect. Sometimes she'll laugh afterwards.
3. When we feed her, Jillian has usually used a grunt or she swings her arm out when she doesn't want something. Now, she'll shake her head "no" to let us know she's not interested. When that happens, we know that feeding time is pretty much over.
1. She has started pointing at things, although it's with kind of an open fist. No finger pointing yet. But, she likes to point her arm in the direction of photos of people she recognizes, or things that she wants.
2. We'll have to see where this goes, but Jillian has gotten into the habit of yelling when she wants to get our attention, or when she wants something. It can be pretty loud, and she tenses up her arms and legs to get the maximum effect. Sometimes she'll laugh afterwards.
3. When we feed her, Jillian has usually used a grunt or she swings her arm out when she doesn't want something. Now, she'll shake her head "no" to let us know she's not interested. When that happens, we know that feeding time is pretty much over.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Goose Egg

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