Friday, August 29, 2008

More Shots

Since Jillian just turned 6-months old this week, it was time for yet another appointment with those dreaded needles. Daddy drove Jillian down to Vancouver to meet Mommy, who was coming off work ... and we all sat in the waiting room for a looooong time before we were called in. Once we were in the examination room, the practitioner went right to work, measuring Jillian's length at 26-1/2 inches (75th percentile), her weight at 16 lbs 7 ounces (50th percentile), and her head size at 17-1/4 inches (90th percentile). According to the charts, she is staying right on a typical course for her growth.

Dr. O'Neal (the new doctor, since Dr. Zawacki moved on) then came in and gave Jillian a little check-up, measuring her heartbeat, breathing, hearing, strength and alertness. She was very pleased with her progress. Mommy and the doctor then went through some question and answer times to end the check-up.

Finally, it was time for the shots. The practitioner got 3 needles ready, and Daddy held Jillian's arm out of the way. Then, the first shot went into her left leg ... and she hardly even flinched. The second shot went into her right leg ... and again, she just looked around. The practitioner warned us that the third shot was the big one, and when it went into her right leg ... ouch! Jillian let out a loud cry, but it didn't last long, and eventually turned into a little whimper. After about a minute, she was smiling again! This is one tough little munchkin!

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