Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ready, Set ...

... and soooo ready to go! Now that Jillian can sit up on her own, she is starting to reach out to grab things that are out of her reach. Which means that she is starting to rock forward a little bit. She hasn't tried to go all the way forward, probably because she knows she'd go face first into the floor ... her arms aren't quite strong enough for it yet. But, she's getting the idea. When she can get a hold of the shag carpet, she'll latch onto that and pull herself up a bit. Those grabby hands of hers are really coming in handy now!

Jillian also likes to stand up with help. When we hold her up, she straightens herself up stiff as a board ... but then once she's up she also likes to bounce with her knees, so she ends up moving all over the place. The cousins like to say that she's "dancing".

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