Friday, February 6, 2009

Sick, still ...

First it was a long weekend of the "croup". Now that has been followed by a long week of something else. Jillian has not felt well all this past week, as she has been congested, she has been coughing (and urping) and the fever has come and gone at times. Which means she hasn't been sleeping very well, and doesn't want any solids, preferring just formula. Compared to the weekend, she's actually looking and feeling so much better ... but she's still not her usual go-go self.

So, Mommy scheduled another doctor appointment at the family clinic in Vancouver. We went there this morning and met with Dr. Wheelock. He checked Jillian's lungs, and those were fine. Then he checked her ears carefully, and said that there might possibly be the start of an ear infection. To be safe and head it off, he prescribed amoxicillin, and said that we could choose to use it or not, based on how Jillian was feeling. In the end, the doctor said that he thought that Jillian had picked up another bug.

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