Friday, March 13, 2009

1-year Checkup

Today was time for the 1-year checkup, to see how Jillian was coming along. We took off for Southwest Family Center after work, and after getting weighed at 21.9 lbs by the nurse (50th percentile), we got put into our room, where Jillian promptly starting exploring. She got into everything, and after Mommy and Daddy pulled her away from too many things, she started getting mad and crabby. We got a little break when the nurse came back in and took some more measurements. Jillian's height was 30-1/4" (75th percentile) and her head size was 18-1/2" (90th percentile). She was growing on track, though her height took quite a jump from before. After the nurse left, Jillian got back to being crabby ... and then Dr. LaGrand came in (someday we'll have the same doctor everytime), and Jillian went back to being a little angel ... the doctor never knew any different. The doctor asked some questions first, then started the exam. First, she checked Jillian's heart rate with the stethoscope, and Sweetie-Pie sat quietly and smiled at the doctor. Then the doctor checked her tummy and Jillian thought that was pretty cool. She even did alright sitting for the ear exam, but she wanted nothing to do with the dipstick in the mouth ... she just shook her head "no" at the doctor. So, the doctor laid her on the table and checked her further, then stood her up on the table and said she looked good. That's when Jillian leaned over and gave the doctor a big hug!

Then it was time for the shots. Mommy held Jillian, and the nurse gave Jillian three (3) more shots in the leg. She got a little mad at the first couple shots, then she cried on the final one. It didn't last long, then Jillian was ready to go-go again.

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