Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Stuff X

Here's a collection of the latest stuff, and it will probably be added to as things go along:

1. The Name Game : When Jillian gets tired, she starts saying every name she can think of, such as "Papa", "Tierney", etcetera and on and on. So, we'll reply with one of three things, saying either that they "went home", or they "went nigh-nigh", or they "went to work". She's usually pretty satisfied with these answers, and repeats them after us.

2. "Tight" : This is what Jillian says whenever we put on her shoes. We're not sure if the shoes are actually tight (some of them probably are getting too small, considering how fast her feet are growing), or she just likes to say this.

3. "Push" : Anymore when we go shopping, Jillian just wants to push the shopping cart around the store the whole time, just like she does with her toy shopping cart at home. She also likes to push the big shopping cart until she hits something, then she says "crash".

4. Counting Trick : If you say "one", Jillian will then say "two". And if you say "one, two", Jillian will then say "threeeee"!

5. Fist Bump : If you hold out a fist, Jillian will give you a little fist-bump. She learned this from Mason (a friend of Ty and Brock) at a volleyball game this past evening.

6. Closing Doors : Jillian may not be able to open doors just yet, but she can easily close doors now. She likes to pull on the knobs and close any door that is open, just for the fun of it.

7. "Lub, lub" : This is how Jillian says "Love You", which is what we say to her when we leave or when it's time for nigh-nigh.

8. Uno Attack : Jillian found the Uno Attack game in the closet, and discovered that when she presses the big button, cards come flying out. It didn't take long before all the cards were scattered all over the floor.

9. "Towel" : Jillian says "milk" when she wants her morning or night-time sippy cup of milk. Then, if it's warming up in the sink, and she is running out of patience, she'll grab the dish towel that hangs from the oven, and hold it out to Mommy or Daddy, saying "towel" (which means: Dry off that sippy cup and give it to me!)

10. "Boom" : If we talk about volleyball to Jillian (like when Tierney or Meagan are playing), she'll say "boom!" in reference to their hitting or serving.

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