Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Stuff XXII

There's a whole lot going on with Jillian these days, as this long list shows:

1. A Private Place : Lately, we've found that whenever Jillian has to poop, she'll get herself out of view and then do her duty. The most recent example of this was when she was in the kitchen; she ducked behind the dining room table, peeking above it but hiding until she was done.

2. Future Setter : Mommy and Daddy were having a conversation about volleyball, and when we asked Jillian, "do you want to be a setter or hitter", she replied "setter!".

3. Where's the Baby? : Now that Mommy's pregnant, we are pointing out to Jillian that the new baby is in Mommy's tummy. So, when we ask her "where's the baby?", Jillian will reply "in Mama's tummy" along with pointing in that direction.

4. "Baby in my tummy" : One morning, while Daddy was reading the Little Critter book "The New Baby", Jillian pulled up her shirt and said "baby in my tummy". That's something Daddy doesn't want to hear for at least another 20 years.

5. Princess Dress : It happens almost daily; the first thing that Jillian does when she gets home is put on her princess clothing that she received from Cousin Rielee for Christmas. Sometimes, she just puts the dress over the top of her clothes, and sometimes she strips down and gets naked before putting the dress on.

6. Counting to 13 : We don't know where she learned it, but now Jillian will count to 13. It actually goes like this ... "eleven, twelve, thirteen, thirteen".

7. No to Bathtime : Something happened recently that changed Jillian's attitude about bathtime. Now, when we tell her that it's bathtime, she starts crying and saying "no!". She cries the entire time that we're getting her ready, and when she's put into the bath. And she'll keep crying until her hair is washed ... but after that, she's fine and she'll play in the water and want to stay there. So, Mommy has made a point of getting the hairwashing over with early, so that bathtime isn't so difficult.

8. "I sit on Mama's lap" : This is something that Jillian says whenever she sees a picture of Santa Claus. We figure that she is referring to the traumatic episode at the Verd house when she saw Santa running around outside and then coming in to visit; she was sitting on Mommy's lap the whole time, but she was visibly scared and shaking, wanting nothing to do with Santa.

9. New Teeth in Back : Jillian has been putting her fingers as far back into her mouth as possible these days. It appears that she's getting those final molars way in the back.

10. "Oh, good job Dada" : Jillian will say this to Daddy for just about anything that Daddy is doing, like washing the dishes or something like that.

11. Playing with Cars : There are a couple cars in Jillian's room, and she has become fond of pushing them around on the floor, pretending to drive them all over.

12. "I just throw it!" : If you ever ask Jillian where something went (that she's supposed to have), she'll say this emphatically.

13. "I take it off!" : And if you ever ask Jillian where her socks / shoes are (after she's taken them off), she'll say this as well.

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