Thursday, April 1, 2010

New Stuff XXIV

Here it is ... the latest of compilation of Jill-stuff. It continues to be funny:

1. Packing : When we get ready to go somewhere, Jillian immediately starts looking for something to take with her. It could be a baby, or a toy, or as many things as she can carry in her arms. We've managed to get rid of a lot of stuff, because Jillian often returns home empty-handed.

2. More Singing : Jillian continues to enjoy singing. She let loose with a couple new ones recently, including "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Ring Around the Rosy".

3. The Barney Song : When we went to the beach last weekend, it was non-stop Barney theme song. If you haven't heard it, she sings it like this: "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family, with a great big hug, and a kiss from me to you (muh), hope you say you love me too".

4. "Muh" : This is what Jillian says when she gives a kiss, either to people or her babies or when singing the Barney theme song (see above).

5. Bear, Bottle & Little Chicken : For a couple days, Jillian couldn't part with these 3 little things, carrying them around with her everywhere, and even taking them to bed. Just so you know, they were a little stuffed bear, a little toy baby bottle, and a Pez dispenser with a chicken on top.

6. Counting 2 Things : Jillian can actually count things, up to 2. She'll point at 2 things and say "1, 2".

7. "Don't Worry (Mommy / Daddy)" : This is similar to the "What's wrong?" that she had been saying earlier. There's no particular reason why she says it, though.

8. "Waaaahhhhh" : Jillian likes to pretend cry by saying "waaaahhhh", and has gotten pretty convincing in how she does it. But, she gives it away after she says "I cry like a baby."

9. "Hola" : It's evidence of the Dora influence on her; when we went to Wal-Mart the other day, Jillian was saying "hola" to people she'd meet.

10. "I don't like that" : This has become a common phrase lately. It's often followed by Jillian throwing that thing down.

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