Tuesday, March 11, 2008


It was bound to happen sooner or later.

Jillian has been eating more and more, which means that she was also relieving herself more and more ... we have been calling this "leaving gifts for Daddy". It's easy to tell when this was happening, either by hearing or seeing (when her face turns a shade of red). This evening, while I was holding her on my lap, she turned a little red and made a little noise ... and then I said to Heather, "Hey, I'm feeling kind of warm." Well, thats because her Newborn-sized diaper had reached its full capacity, and was overflowing, right onto my lap. It's was Jillian's first breakthrough ... not a huge mess, but maybe a sign of things to come.

1 comment:

Clark & Greta said...

I love this story! Go JILLI! Get Daddy again but not mom because cousin Adam pretty much covered her top to bottom when he was little so she's had her share!