Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

Here's a photo of Jillian wearing her Easter Sunday dress, a gift from her Aunt Sheryl.

It was a busy day for Jillian! In the morning, we took her to Grace Lutheran Church for the first time. Heather and I were a little unsure about how she'd do, since she was screaming in the car all the way there ... but when she got inside and heard the music, she went right to sleep and then slept through nearly the entire service (no offense, Pastor Donnan!) Unfortunately, when it was over, she woke up hungry, so an emergency feeding was in order.

We then headed up to Grannie & Papa's house for the Piercy family Easter. Jillian slept on the way there, and continued sleeping for about an hour more before we woke her for a feeding. Lots of Aunts and Cousins got the chance to see and hold her for the first time. Jillian will be looking forward to mixing it up with all the cousins next year during the annual egg hunt!

We finished our day at Uncle Dave & Aunt Charolette's house for the Peterson family Easter dinner. Jillian started out hungry, and stayed hungry for most of the evening, so Heather logged some major minutes in feeding her. Meanwhile, the adults had a most excellent meal. Eventually, Jillian would catch some zzz's ... but it was a struggle. All in all, a fun and exhausting day!

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