Thursday, April 10, 2008


Jillian and Mommy made one more trip today to SWMC for a breastfeeding support class. Heather wanted to go just to see how much Jillian weighed, and how much milk she was getting. It was also a chance to donate some newborn-sized diapers and powdered formula to any mothers who might need them.

Mommy was thrilled to see that Jillian is now up to 9 lbs 13 ounces ... we had figured she was getting closer to 10 lbs since we could feel it in our back and shoulders. Plus, the rolls in her arms and legs were getting even more pronounced, and her cheeks are chubbier than ever.

The instructor also weighed Jillian before and after a feeding, and found that Heather is supplying about 4-1/2 ounces of milk! That's a lot, especially considering the first few days after birth when we were happy to get even 1 ounce total. So, that's likely the last class ... we'll find out her next weight at her 2 month well-baby check-up.

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