Monday, April 28, 2008

Shots & More

Now that Jillian is 2 months old (as of yesterday), it was time for a well baby check-up with Dr. Zawacki. Mommy actually went first, to make sure all her post-partum stuff was OK ... and it all looked good. In the meantime, Jillian took a nap until it was her turn.

The first order of business after waking her up was to get her diaper changed and strip her down naked (which she loved, as always). Then it was time for measurements. The nurse weighed Jillian at 11 lbs 6 ounces, which like before was in the 50th percentile; her length was 23 inches, which was in the 75th percentile (again); and her head size continued to be in the 90th percentile at 40 cm. So, she seems to be growing at a pretty typical pace for a kid her size.

Dr. Zawacki then came in and checked her over, measuring her heartbeat, breathing and ears ... and everything looked good there. And the doctor was pleased with her growth, as well.

After that, it was time for the dreaded shots. We knew that Jillian would have to get 3 shots on this visit, including vaccinations for hepatitis B, polio, DTaP and others. The nurse warned us about the size of the needles, and she wasn't kidding ... they were long! When she stuck the first one into her leg, there was a momentary pause on Jillian's face, followed by lots of screaming and a bright red face. The nurse quickly did the last two shots, and by the end, Jillian was down to just a mad whimper. She sure was a tough little girl!

Mommy had a good plan, too. She immediately started feeding Jillian as soon as the nurse left, so we had a much happier baby when it was time to leave. It wasn't long before she went right to sleep, no doubt exhausted by all the poking and prodding.

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