Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day or Night?

Maybe Jillian is just a little confused about the time of day. She woke up at 3:30 am this morning, so Heather went ahead and fed her. But she didn't go back to sleep ... she started fussing and crying. This went on for awhile, and then at 5:30 am, when Heather put her on the changing table to check her diaper, she was as happy as a lark ... the light was on and she could look around. Apparently, Jillian just wanted to play, because she had a big smile on her face. So, Heather put her into her bouncer seat where she played for a while ... and Heather stayed up with her. I'm not certain how the rest of the morning went, but I'm sure Mommy was very tired, because both she and Jillian were taking a long nap together when Daddy came home from work.

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