Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Schedule

Mommy had been dreading this day for a while, but it finally came ... Mommy went back to work today. It had been a nice long 4 months of maternity leave. Jillian had gotten to spend every day being with her Mommy, and she loved every minute of it. But now it was time for a new daily schedule.

Today, Mommy dropped Jillian off at Dany's house before heading to work. She knew it would be tough to leave her little sweetie-pie ... and it was. It made Mommy sad. But Mommy was happy to know that Jillian was a very good little girl for Dany. And when Daddy picked up Jillian after work and took her home, she was very good again.

With it being summer and everyone taking vacation trips, the new schedule is still in flux. But eventually, while Mommy is at work, Jillian's caretakers will be: Grannie Woodruff on Mondays, Grandpa Peterson on Tuesdays, and Cindy Stephenson on Fridays. We are very lucky to have such loving family and friends to watch over Jillian.

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