Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sweet Potatoes

The rice cereal has had only a lukewarm reception with Jillian. She would eat it, but she didn't show much interest in it. Most of the time, she just pushed the cereal out of her mouth. Mommy figured that it was because it was bland tasting (which it was!).

So, Mommy decided to try some other solid food, namely the mushy vegetables. She picked up some sweet potatoes and also some squash. We gave it a try yesterday, giving a spoonful of sweet potatoes puree to Jillian ... and she liked it! Mommy kept spooning it in, and Jillian kept eating it until the package was half gone. Yipppeee! Eventually, the feeding ended when Jillian kept trying to grab the spoon so she could feed herself.

Today, Mommy mixed the sweet potatoes and rice cereal together and fed it to Jillian, and she gobbled all of it down with gusto. So begins our adventure with solid foods.

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