Thursday, October 2, 2008

Games We Play

Jillian and Daddy have a couple games they like to play. The first is a laughing game, and we usually play it on the changing table. We'll both start laughing, and then we'll both stop and wait quietly for 1 or 2 seconds, and then we'll start laughing again ... Jillian thinks it's hilarious, especially because of the anticipation while waiting. The second game is kind of like peek-a-boo, and we play this one while she's in the crib and Daddy is on the computer. While Daddy is looking at the monitor, Jillian will just stare at my back ... and then after a few moments, I'll quickly turn and look at her and laugh, and Jillian cracks up! She laughs and kicks her feet, and then goes right back to staring and waiting. We play both games until she loses interest, or I'm exhausted from all the laughing.

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