Sunday, October 19, 2008

Learning "No!"

The time arrived for Jillian to begin learning what "No!" means. It all started on the changing table, where she has been a handful, squirming all over the place and making it difficult to change her diaper ... and there was also the danger of falling off the table. So, Mommy finally gave a firm warning, saying "No!" to Jillian. That led to some (mad) crying and tears from the sweetie-pie. She learned her lesson, though, because the past few days she has been laying nice and still for Mommy on the changing table.

Jillian also had to hear "No!" from Daddy, this time when she was climbing the TV console to get to the DVDs. After several of the "No!"s and being moved away from the TV, she let loose with some (short-lived) crying and tears. Again, she figured it out, because she didn't get into the DVDs anymore ... at least for the night.

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