Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bad Night

Monday night was very long and not very fun for Jillian. It started when Daddy got her ready for bed with a bottle of milk ... after only drinking half of it, she pushed the bottle away, and then promptly spewed all of it (and then some) back up all over herself and Daddy. After getting cleaned up with some new pajamas and relaxing for a few minutes, she had another big hurling episode, again covering herself and Daddy. This was repeated a third time not long afterwards. After that, Jillian and Daddy put down a big towel on the bed and tried to snooze there ... and Sweetie-Pie's tummy still gave her trouble for hours more. Eventually, Mommy showed up from work at midnight, and knew right away that someone was sick. By that time, Jillian was starting to wind down, being soooo tired. Her and Mommy stayed out on the sofa for the rest of the night. When morning came, Jillian was feeling better, though very tired and very crabby. We think it might have been a 24-hour flue that hit her, combined with the new molar coming in.

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