Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Stuff V

More new things about Jillian to share ...

1. "Eat" : If we say this to her, she knows exactly what it means ... that it's time to eat! And then she'll say it over and over herself.

2. "Sah-ee" : The Johnson cousins have a little puppy named "Sally", and Jillian loves to follow her around. When she sees Sally, she'll yell out her name.

3. "No, no, no" : Jillian has gotten very good at saying this now, and she likes to say it a lot. A lot of times, she'll say it to Mocha (because of all the licking). But most of the other times are when she looks at something that she knows she's not supposed to touch ... she'll just walk by it saying "no, no, no".

4. (Take it, Bring it, Give it) : If we say any of these things, Jillian understands what they mean and she'll do them ... we better enjoy that while it lasts!

5. "Wow" : Which means water to her; she says this whenever we start filling up her sippy cup with water.

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