Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bottle Withdrawl

Jillian is going through bottle withdrawls. We ran out of bottle liners on Friday night, and Jillian had turned 15 months old, so it seemed like as good a time as any to get rid of the bottle feedings, which were happening every morning and night. It had become a comfort-thing for Jillian, so we knew it would probably be a tough transition. And it has been, but it's gotten better. On Friday night, Jillian refused to take her milk from a sippy cup, and eventually went to sleep without it. Saturday morning, she actually had a bit of milk from the sippy cup, so she was mostly OK with it ... but then she was very unhappy again on Saturday night. Sunday morning and nights have been better, and Jillian has been a little more willing to drink from the sippy cups. She is on her way to being more and more of a "big girl".

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