Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Stuff VI

More new things in Jillian's world ...

1. "Ta-da" : There doesn't have to be a reason for Jillian to say this ... she just does it whenever.

2. "Shoes" : She says this now when it's time to put on her shoes.

3. "Ice (cream)" : Jillian can get the first word down, and them just jumbles in the second word. She says it whenever it's time for ice cream, which in our family, is often. In fact, as Cousin Tierney found out, if you have a bowl of ice cream, Jillian will stand in front of you with her mouth open and demand that you give her some ... and end up eating all of it.

4. "Ba-ah" : This is her word for the bottle.

5. "Bite" : Jillian literally yells this at us when she's roaming around the dinner table, looking for a bite to eat from our plates.

6. "Hot" : She repeated this over and over, after Mommy warned her about the barbeque being hot. This might be the beginning of Jillian's parrot-phase, when she repeats everything we say.

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