Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Letting Us Know

Jillian has gotten much better at telling us what she wants or needs. There are times that she'll yell at us (with no particular words) and motion that we need to follow her into the kitchen, and when we're in there, she'll go up to the counter and point at the cups, meaning that she wants a drink. Another time was this afternoon ... she was getting crabby, and when Daddy tried putting her down for a nap, she got all worked up and cried even more. Eventually, she started saying "eat, eat, eat", which she can say pretty clearly. So, we went into the kitchen, and Jillian ate a ton of food. She was a very hungry little girl. Now, if she would just tell us when she wants to go to bed ... ha! That's very unlikely. She's still doing her best to resist the Sandman, so she's not about to tell us that she's tired. Oh well.

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