Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obsessive & Compulsive

Jillian's obsession with keys and buckles continues. It makes it difficult for Mommy and Daddy when driving her anywhere, because using the car involves keys and buckles. First, Jillian wants to hold the keys on the way out of the house, so that she can try to open the garage door and car door. Secondly, she wants to play with the buckles in the carseat when we strap her in. The return home is even more involved. When she gets out of the carseat, she wants to go right back in to play with the buckles ... OR, she heads for her stroller that's parked in the garage and climbs into it to play with the buckles. And when we pull out the keys to open the house, she wants those, too.

This obsession doesn't end there, either. Out on the town, Jillian will grab a person's purse (doesn't matter who it belongs to) and open it up, looking for the keys. And she looks for any buckles to play with, whether it's on a shopping cart or some other baby's carseat.

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