Sunday, July 5, 2009


The fireworks show at the lake started after 10 pm, which is after Jillian's bedtime, so she was already tired and crabby. We walked to our spot that had been reserved for us by Auntie Greta and Uncle Clark, and nearby was Grandpa Peterson and Beverly and her family. It looked like a good spot, and as soon as the fireworks started, we found out it was right underneath the show. When that first "pow" went off, it got Jillian's attention ... after a few more explosions, she was climbing up Mommy and Daddy's arms and burying her head in their necks to get away. Shortly after, she started whimpering ... and then crying. So, Mommy took Jillian and got her some distance away so she could calm down. Then, Jillian came back and watched a little more, but quickly began crying again. So Mommy and Daddy packed everything up and left the show early. It looks like we'll have to start with some little fireworks first to get Jillian prepared for next year.

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