Sunday, July 12, 2009

"No" to Naps

Jillian just recently decided that naps are not for her. The last couple days, she has chosen not to lay down for her nap time, and instead to stay standing up in the crib, and cry for a good part of the time. She has been doing this even though she is totally exhausted in the afternoon and ready for some sleep. She's barely able to keep her eyes open ... until we put her into her crib, at which point she gets mad and starts wailing, throwing in a "Mama" or "Dada" into it. After a while, the attempted nap time is over, and then we just try to get to bed time with a very crabby little Sweetie Pie.

One other note: She doesn't even like the mention of naps or bedtime. If we say "nap", "nigh-nigh", "lay down", "crib" or "sleep", she immediately starts shaking her head and saying "no". When she senses that it's getting close to nap or bedtime, that's when the whining starts.

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