Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New Stuff XXV

Been awhile since the last update, so here's a few new things:

1. "Now you'll never find it!" : This is something that Jillian has been saying lately when she throws something. We're not sure where this came from.

2. Wrapped Up : One of Jillian's favorite games is to get up on the bed and wrap herself up in the covers. She usually invites us to join her, saying "come sleep with me".

3. "No thanks" : If we ask Jillian if she has to go potty, she typically replies with a quick "no thanks". At least she's polite about it. Unfortunately, that's often followed by a little accident.

4. Ah-boo-hen : That's the phonetic spelling of something that Jillian has been saying over and over, but that we have no idea what it is.

5. Light Reading : Jillian loves carseats so much, that when she got a hold of the little manual that came with her carseat, it became one of her favorite books. Now, she reads it whenever she's in Daddy's car.

6. "I don't like that" : When Jillian tastes something and doesn't care for it, she'll usually respond by saying this, while narrowing her eyes and puckering up her mouth. This is a lot better than before when she'd just spit it out.

7. "Just one more book" : When we're done reading stories on the couch at night before bedtime, Jillian will jump down, turn around while holding up one finger, and say "just one more book". So, we always read one more book in bed.

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