Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Stuff XXVI

It's here! The latest and most interesting new stuff about Sweetie Pie:

1. "What you say to me?" : Either Jillian just likes to hear us repeat what we've told her, or she really didn't hear it the first time. Whatever the case, we get this response from her occasionally, whenever we've asked her to do something.

2. "Thank you so much!" : She can be a very polite little girl. Daddy has gotten to hear this whenever Jillian walks into a newly painted room in the house.

3. "Mine!" : Jillian has gotten a little more possessive about the things that she is holding onto. It's not so much that the thing is hers (it's usually not), but that she just doesn't want to give it up.

4. "I'm very sad." : Actually, Jillian isn't sad when she says this, but she likes to play it up by saying it with a sad voice and hanging her head.

5. "Hey, hey" : It's something she starts a sentence with nowadays, and she says it loudly and with emphasis.

6. The Park : Mommy is taking Jillian to the park a lot these days, now that the weather has turned for the better. It's one of Sweetie Pie's favorite places, since she's a "great climber", as she likes to say. Plus, it's got the "twisty slide".

7. Hide-and-Seek : Jillian is getting better about playing the hide-and-seek game. She'll ask us, "can you hide, Mommy / Daddy?", and then she'll tell us to count "1-2-3". If it's her hiding, she still can't wait, and usually jumps out when we get close, saying "you found me."

8. Scary Fast : Just when we thought she was already fast, Jillian has found another gear and can zoom out of reach, and out of sight, in just a blink. It's actually difficult to catch up to her. She has this high step when she runs, so her straight-away is impressive.

9. "Can you turn up the window?" : Jillian doesn't much care for the wind blowing her hair into her face, so when she's riding in the car and the window is down, she'll ask this.

10. Red Light, Green Light : If Jillian is riding in the backseat of our car, she will remind us about the color of the traffic lights. She'll say "the light is red" or "the light is green", and she knows that red means stop and green means go.

11. Mommy & Daddy Names : At random times when Jillian is talking to someone, she'll say "Mommy's name is Heather" or "Daddy's name is Rick". Mommy taught her that one.

12. "My name is ..." : So, if you ask Jillian her name, she'll say "Feetie-Fie" as usual. Then, if you ask her what her real name is, she'll start off by saying "Jillian", and if you ask for her whole name, she might say "Jillian Catherine Woodruff". What we haven't quite figured out is that sometimes she'll say her name is "Feetie-Fie Richard".

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