Friday, August 13, 2010

New Stuff XXVII

Actually, this stuff isn't all that new, since it's been a while between posts. But, here they are:

1. "Why? Why? Why, oh why?" : The "why" questions have been almost non-stop. And our answers to Jillian are never good enough, because she just keeps asking "why?".

2. "Ooooohhh-kaayyy" : It's one of those long, drawn out OKs, where Jillian almost sounds resigned to answering us.

3. "You stay right there!" : This is one of Jillian's commands, if she has to go get something and doesn't want us to leave; it's usually accompanied by the universal "stop" hand-sign.

4. "But I have to" -or- "But I need to" : If we ever say to Jillian "don't do that", she'll respond this way, using either one. Not that she ever tells us why.

5. "Baby is getting BIGGER and BIGGER!" : Jillian likes to ask Mommy how the new baby is doing. Then, she'll yell this out excitedly (while shaking and with clenched fists).

6. "Hi, my Mommy / Daddy" : No idea where this came from, but this is how Jillian likes to greet us.

7. " ... again?" : Put anything in front of "again", and this is a question that we get asked once in a while.

8. Christmas Wish List : When Jillian spent a lot of time with Cousin Adam in North Dakota, there was a lot of talk about Santa, and what they want for Christmas. If you ask Jillian what she wants, she'll respond "a baby and a bottle." She gets Christmas and her birthday a little mixed up, because she'll also say "... and a Dora cake".

9. "It'll dry" : If Jillian or anything else gets wet, this is what she likes to say to reassure us.

10. Substitute Baby : Mommy and Daddy forgot to pack a baby for Jillian on the trip to North Dakota. So, Jillian made do by instead adopting her swimsuit, which she carried around with her everywhere.

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