Thursday, August 12, 2010

Driving Thrills

Maybe it was because when Rielee was here yesterday and Rielee rode everything and Jillian would ride with her sometimes, or maybe this morning she put on her "tiger" sweatshirt (really leopard) and she felt very brave, but today was her big day to ride all five of her riding vehicles and try some new things. The biggest hit was the scooter that she rode all over around the images that Rick had drawn on the driveway of Mommy and Daddy, Dora and Boots, etc., and she seemed to catch on to the steering after I showed her how the handle on top controlled the wheels on the front. Looking at this picture you would have though she may have had lots of spills but she didn't have one spill today. Also her feet must be getting tough because the shoes come off as soon as she's out the door. She will only put her shoes back on when the sun comes out and the blacktop gets very hot.

Jillian rode the quad a lot and could steer that better, just running into things a few times, possible because the handlebars are the same as the scooter. Then came the jeep which is still an adventure as she wants to shift into high gear and I want it to stay in low. Steering isn't so hot either. Also she likes to smile at you when she's driving without watching where she's going.

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