Jillian rode the quad a lot and could steer that better, just running into things a few times, possible because the handlebars are the same as the scooter. Then came the jeep which is still an adventure as she wants to shift into high gear and I want it to stay in low. Steering isn't so hot either. Also she likes to smile at you when she's driving without watching where she's going.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Driving Thrills
Jillian rode the quad a lot and could steer that better, just running into things a few times, possible because the handlebars are the same as the scooter. Then came the jeep which is still an adventure as she wants to shift into high gear and I want it to stay in low. Steering isn't so hot either. Also she likes to smile at you when she's driving without watching where she's going.
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