Sunday, June 15, 2008

Feeling Blue

It's been a rough day for Jillian. She woke up this morning coughing and congested, and it only got worse from there. She was feeling warm, so we took her temperature and it was a little over 99 degrees F. It was making for a very cranky baby. Heather made several attempts to phone the on-call doctor at SWMC to get their recommendations for medicine, if any, but after getting no answer for a couple hours, she talked to an RN at Providence, who recommended no Tylenol until the temperature went over 100 degrees F.

Jillian is proving to be a tough little girl ... most of the time, she is still happy and smiling. It's just the congestion that really bothers her. So, there have been a few tears shed throughout the day. Though, on a light note, when Jillian coughed tonight, Daddy coughed back at her. She thought that was funny, so she tried to do it herself ... by sticking her tongue out and saying "Ah, ah!"

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