Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hand & Eye

As soon as Jillian started getting grabby, she really got better with her hand-eye coordination. Now she can usually grab something with one hand or the other, or both, on the first try, and bring it to her mouth. And she'll hold a toy in front of her with one hand, and touch and pull at it with the other hand. This new skill has meant that Jillian can entertain herself even more with her toys (like during floor time or sitting in her bouncy seat) ... though she'll still yell at us for attention when she gets bored with the toys.

One other thing this morning ... Jillian woke up with her thumb stuck in her pajama sleeve (Mommy and Daddy watched her on the Q-See monitor). Instead of just putting up with it, or crying to us to help, she tried to fix it herself. She stretched out her arm with the stuck thumb, and tried pulling at the sleeve with her other arm. And she eventually got it!

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