Saturday, June 21, 2008

Kid's Day

It was the annual Kid's (Cousins') Day at the Beach this past week, and it was Jillian's first time to be part of it. Even though one of the rules for Kid's Day has been "no parents", a special exemption was made for Jillian's Mommy and Daddy, since Uncle Rick has always been going, and tradition is very important to all the kids.

Here's a photo of all the cousins at the beach, including Ainsley, Tierney, Cale, Ty, Brock, Emmy, Will, Auna, Macee, Parker, James, and Jillian.

Jillian may be a little young yet for most of the Kid's Day traditions, but she did go to the beach (it was a little too windy to stay for long), she went to the Astoria Aquatic Center for a swim (which she liked a lot), and she watched See Spot Run (for about 5 minutes). Probably Jillian's favorite part of the beach trip was being around the cousins ... it was non-stop entertainment, and constant attention.

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