Wednesday, December 3, 2008

9-month Check-up

Jillian made another visit to the doctor today, this time for her 9-month check-up. The nurse started out right away by measuring her length at 28 inches (75th percentile), her weight at 19 lbs 3 ounces (100th+ percentile ... basically off the charts), and her head size at 18 inches (the same 90th percentile). So, Jillian continues to grow at a good clip.

Her resident doctor this time was Dr. LaGrande, with Dr. Liu also attending. Both doctors remarked at how happy Jillian was, probably because of all the smiles she was giving them. Dr. LaGrande checked her over and asked the usual questions, and said that everything looks good. They also both enjoyed watching Jillian perform all of her tricks for them (clapping, standing, talking, etc).

Then the nurse returned to apply a flouride varnish to Jillian's 2 bottom teeth. It must have been tasty, because she hardly flinched when the nurse stuck the flu shot needle in her leg.

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