Thursday, December 18, 2008

Some New Stuff

Our little girl continues to grow and change a lot. Here's just a few observations of Jillian in the last couple days ...

1. Her understanding of "mine" is beginning to show. First of all, she's got the iron grip, and it can be nearly impossible to take something out of her vise-like fingers if she doesn't want to let go. Secondly, she usually doesn't want to let go, and if something is taken away from her, she gets mad! The growling isn't so bad, but the crying (i.e., screaming) is. This is a new thing for Jillian, since before she was pretty indifferent about it.

2. She does not appreciate having a door shut on her if she's not along with us. Anytime we go outside (usually the back) and shut the door behind us, she crawls like a flash to the door, stands up and starts crying. The problem, then, is that we can't open the door, because she's in the way. When we come back in, though, everything's OK.

3. She is figuring out how to make a kissing-sound. We like to give Jillian kisses, and we tell her what they are ... and in those times, she has started making a suction-type sound with her lips, so they make a little "pop". But, she's still not much into giving or getting kisses, yet.

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