Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Here's a great big cheesy smile from Jillian, after Daddy said "smile" before taking the photo. She likes to show off her 2 bottom teeth with the biggest smile she can muster.

By the way, if you're wondering why there have been no photos for the past 2-1/2 weeks, it's because Daddy had a little mess up. During a visit to Yakima, he left his camera bag (with both digital and video cameras) in a movie theatre. Fortunately, someone turned it in to management, and after many phone calls, he found the company that was keeping it for him. They wouldn't mail the bag, but agreed to hold onto it until someone picked it up. Dany made an attempt to stop by, but the business was closed that day (sorry, Dany ... thanks for trying!). Then, Grandpa Ken paid them a visit and came away with the bag (thank you, Grandpa!). So now, we're back in business, and hopefully lots of photos will be posted again.

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