Thursday, August 20, 2009

A New Stage?

We're not sure, but we think Sweetie-Pie has entered a new stage in her life ... something that resembles the "terrible twos". We've noticed that Jillian has tended to have a lot more tantrums, and, oh, the drama!! When she gets mad or upset, the head goes back, the eyes close and the mad crying / yelling begins. That's usually followed by one of two things: either she goes storming off, running into a different room, crying all the way (somehow she finds her way around despite having her eyes shut) ... or, she collapses onto the ground, laying on her back, and crying of course. One of the odd things about all of this is that sometimes we have no idea what the problem is. For instance, Daddy said to Jillian "let's get the mail", and when he opened up the drawer to get the key, that's when her world came apart, with lots of wailing and flailing. No clue what triggered it.

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