Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Phone Conversations

Something changed recently, and now Jillian will actually listen and talk on the phone. This is a lot different from before, when she pushed the receiver away as soon as she heard something. Recently, we began using the speakerphone option, and at that point she would at least acknowledge us, or even wave or say something. Now, Jillian is much more comfortable with the phone, because she'll let us put the receiver next to her ear. She'll listen closely to what we say, and respond to it (usually by repeating one of the words). It's kind of like the beginnings of real conversation on the phone with Jillian, because it always starts with a "hi", a few words in-between, and then a "bye" at the end. And when she's done with the phone, she'll yell out a big "WO!" (meaning "work"), because she knows that Mommy or Daddy is calling from our work place.

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