Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Stuff IX

Lot's of new things to remember, all in a single post. That's partly because Daddy was too much of a slug to post them separately, and partly because there's just so many things ...

1. Boo-boo Kisses : If Jillian ever gets an owie, she'll now want a kiss on the owie. She'll hold out her hand or foot for us to kiss it, and not only us, but she'll then go from one person to the next to have them kiss it, as well. If she happens to get a boo-boo on her head, she'll just pucker up and look for a kiss on her lips.

2. "Shhhhh" : When it comes to talking about sleep or nap, Jillian likes to make the "shhh" sound, since we have been doing it when we get her ready for bedtime. One of the funny times she did this was during the houseboat vacation; Mommy tried to lay her down for bedtime, but gave up when she wouldn't go to sleep. When Jillian came wandering out the room by herself, Daddy asked where Mommy was ... that's when Jillian said "shhhh".

3. First, Last & Almost Done : One of the ways that we use to buy time with Jillian is to use the words "first", "last" and "almost done". For instance, when Jillian is eating dinner and she wants to move on to dessert, we will say "eat dinner first" ... and then she'll finish her dinner. If we're getting close to finishing a meal and Jillian is losing interest, we'll say "last bite" (even if there's several left) ... and then she'll eat the last couple bites. And we sometimes use "almost done", which satisfies Jillian knowing that she has just about finished.

4. "Pat, pat" : For whatever reason, Jillian likes to pat things or people. She'll "pat, pat" Mommy, Daddy, or anything nearby.

5. "That's for (insert name here)" : Jillian understands that if something belongs to someone else, then it's not hers to play with. We've used the phrase "that's for Daddy" or "that's for Mommy" a lot, and it's worked out pretty well; she spends less time messing with our stuff (though there are still the mischievous times when she gets into our things anyways). The funny side-effect of this is that now she constantly points at things and say who they belong to.

6. "Hot" : Jillian has gotten into the habit of saying "hot" when it's time to eat something, if she knows that the food has been cooked or warmed up. Then she'll make the blowing sound to cool off the food.

7. Translation : It's not always clear what Jillian is trying to say, so to help you out, here's a few of her words and their actual meaning ...
(a) "Sh-Ow" = Flowers
(b) "Suit" = Swimsuit
(c) "Dah-Doh" = Goggles
(d) "Bee" = Bug (of any kind)
(e) "Side" = Inside, or Outside
(f) "Eeee" = I Snapped the Buckles Together!
(g) "That" = That (usually said while pointing at something)
(h) "Sheet" = Sit Here (usually said while pointing at a spot)
(i) "Mil" = Milk
(j) "Wy" = Water

1 comment:

Alan said...

We are really enjoying your blog. Jillian is such a cutie.