Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bike (i.e., Motorcycle)

Cars and trucks aren't all that interesting to Jillian. She'll see them and say "car" or "truck", but that's about it. Motorcycles are a whole different matter.

Jillian loves to look at motorcycles, either when they're parked, or moving down the street. When she sees one, she'll yell out "Bike!". She also likes to ride on them, if she can get up onto the seat; she does this often with Papa Woodruff's scooter. And somehow, she can hear the difference between motorcycles and any other vehicle. If she just hears a motorcycle passing by (not even seeing it), she'll yell out "Bike!". It must be those loud pipes that tip her off.

Uncle Richard is sure to be very proud of his little niece.

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