Sunday, October 11, 2009

Church Happenings

Jillian has a lot of things that she likes to do when she goes to church on Sunday. She remembers very well what those things are. Just for our own memory:

- When we enter the church, she heads right for the ushers and reaches up for a program. They give her one, and she brings it back to Mommy or Daddy. She repeats this until we all (including Jillian) have a program.
- During the greeting, Jillian goes up to as many people as she can find, and reaches her hand out so they can shake her hand.
- In the pew, Jillian immediately grabs the pencils that are in the little holders on the backs of the pews. Mommy and Daddy stop her and put them back, then try to find something to distract her, like 1) giving her some Cheerios to eat, 2) giving her juice to drink, or 3) letting her draw or color on the programs.
- Once the service starts, it's a challenge to keep Jillian occupied during the singing and such. Sometimes she's a wiggle-worm. Sometimes she's a Chatty-Cathy.
- During Kid's Church, Jillian walks up to altar with Mommy. Then, they sit quietly on the steps and listen to the message. Jillian does very well at folding her hands to pray at the end. When it's over, she walks (and sometimes runs) back to her seat.
- This is about the time that we take Jillian to the nursery. If she doesn't want to stay, then we end up in the narthex, hanging out while she runs around, either 1) going up and down the stairs to the balcony, 2) getting a drink from the fountain, 3) going to the chapel and looking at the pretty colored window, 4) spinning the spinner rack, or 5) running down the hall to the nursery or fellowship hall.
- When the service is over, we let Jillian go out on her own. She squeezes her way out through all the people in the greeting line and either waits for Mommy and Daddy, or takes off.

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