Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tongue Gash

This latest boo-boo of Jillian's ranks right up there with her split lip that needed stitches. She was at Grannie's house, and went into the computer room while Daddy and Grannie were talking. Just a couple moments later, Jillian was crying. Daddy went to get her, and found that her mouth was bleeding. After cleaning her up, the bleeding stopped shortly afterwards, and we were able to see that she had cut her tongue. We didn't know exactly how it happened, but we think she might have fallen and bitten her tongue. A day later, the gash is still pretty obvious. Daddy is having flashbacks, remembering when he gashed his own tongue when he was little, and having to get stitches when it didn't heal by itself. We're watching Jillian's cut closely, and hoping that the cut will heal up soon.

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