Friday, December 11, 2009

New Stuff XVII

It's new stuff about Jillian, the early Christmas season edition:

1. "My lights" : We put up some red, green and white lights around Jillian's bedroom window. She really likes them, and calls them "my lights". And whenever she sees Christmas lights elsewhere, she reminds us about hers, saying "my lights".

2. Mine Sign : Jillian not only says "mine", but she also wraps one arm around her tummy, holding it with the other hand while saying it.

3. The New "I Love You" : If Jillian is drawing (usually on her Etch-a-Sketch at Grannie's), she'll say "I love you". In this case, it means she wants a drawing of a heart.

4. Defiant Girl : In the past week of so, Jillian has become even more of an independent spirit. In other words, she's not doing what Mommy and Daddy tell her to do. In fact, she usually does just the opposite. It's gotten her into a bit more trouble lately, including more time-outs.

5. "Sorry" : With the increased time-outs, we've told Jillian that she has to say "sorry". So, when her time-out is over, she'll run to Mommy or Daddy and say "sorry".

6. The Voice of Mommy : In those times that Jillian is upset about being put in her crib for bedtime (which is almost always), she stands up and wails and cries out to Mama and Dada. This can go on for a while. But when Mommy finally yells "Jillian! Lay down! It's time for nigh-nigh!", Jillian immediately lays down, and we don't hear a peep from her the rest of the night.

7. Happy Girl : We've found that if we want Jillian to be happy, and somewhat under-control, then it's important that she get enough sleep during her nap(s). If she gets woken up before she's ready, watch out. She'll be very crabby when she's awake, and that crabbiness will continue on until bedtime.

8. "Open Present" : Jillian has read enough Christmas books to know what presents are. The Rec Association at Daddy's work gave Jillian a wrapped present, and we put it under the tree. When Jillian saw it, she picked it up and yelled "open present". We are always telling her that it's not Christmas yet.

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