Sunday, December 20, 2009


We've been reading lots of books about Santa Claus, and how he's nice and brings presents. Jillian likes to read about him. We were hoping that it would help make Jillian a little more comfortable about seeing Santa in person.

On Saturday night, Jillian stayed with the night with Uncle Clark and Auntie Greta, since Mommy and Daddy went to see the Nutcracker in Portland. They went to the Catt Family Christmas party at Art's house that night. Santa made an appearance, and from the stories we've been told, Jillian was terrified. She was shaking from fear, and saying "no" the whole time. So, her first meeting with Santa wasn't so hot.

On Sunday, we went to the mall with Cousins Andy, Adam and Meagan to have a big family group photo with Santa. When Jillian first saw Santa, she stopped and pointed at him. Then, she ran to Daddy and said "hold me". She wanted nothing to do with Santa, and refused to look at him. Eventually, we managed to get her close to Santa, thanks to Meagan holding her, and got a quick photo.

Even now, if we mention "Santa", Jillian says "no".

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