Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Stuff XVIII

Just in time for Christmas, here's the lastest on Jillian stuff:

1. Caution to All Shoppers : If you happen to take Jillian to a department store (especially one that has clothes on racks), watch out! Jillian will take off running and disappear from sight pretty quickly ... and then she'll climb into the middle of a clothing rack (the circular kind). If you didn't happen to see her do it, she's next to impossible to find. When you call out to her, she'll stay quiet because it's just like a hiding-game.

2. "Ummmmm" : When Jillian ask us to "come" and we respond with "where?", she'll give us this little thinking-sound while she tries to think of something.

3. Polite Girl : Jillian has gotten good at saying "thank you", and now she says it on her own (without prompting) whenever someone gives her something or does something for her.

4. Stepping on Toes : Standing on people's feet is how Jillian gets a few inches higher. If Mommy or Daddy are standing at a countertop in the kitchen, Jillian squeezes in between and steps on our toes to get a better look at what's on the counter (or to grab things there).

5. Confusing Demands : Jillian likes to play in her crib, but then she says "I want out". As soon as she's taken out, she starts crying and says "I want in". Then, when she's in, she starts crying and says "I want out".

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