Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Stuff XX

It's the 20th edition of New Stuff, and Jillian keeps giving us more to write about:

1. "Shake Your Booty" : Jillian picked up this little saying from us when we told her to dance to the music. So now when the music comes on, she dances and says "shake your booty".

2. "Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle" : Not sure where this came from, though she attaches Dora's name to it ("like Dora"). When she dances, she'll say this over and over.

3. Fake Cry : It's pretty obvious when Jillian pulls out her fake cry. It's more like a loud whining sound.

4. "I do" & "I don't" : We guess that she says this whenever she wants to emphasize something. For instance, when she's full and doesn't want any more to eat, she'll say "I don't"; she tends to put a lot of feeling into saying this.

5. The New Bed (or, The Old Crib without the Railing) : Since Jillian was now able to climb out of the crib, we figured we'd just avoid the big crash when she tries to do it and ends up falling to the floor. So, we removed the front railing, and now she has a bed. This also had the benefit of giving Jillian an extra play place.

6. Tag Junior : One of the gifts that Jillian received for Christmas that has seen a lot of use has been the Tag Junior e-reader and books. She really likes to go through all 5 of the books and hear the characters talk. Her favorites right now are anything in the Dora book (of course), listening to Tigger and Pooh talk, and the ABC song.

7. Nakey Girl : It seems that Jillian's clothes are coming off more often lately. She even does it in public. It's not uncommon for her to just start pulling off her shirt or pulling down her pants, and many times she'll disappear for a few moments, then reappear in only her diaper.

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