This is the wonderful time of the year for Jillian as there is fun and water everywhere. She is ready to go outside right away and will only want to come in to eat. Lately the only clothes she needs is a swimsuit. Yesterday was especially fun since Auna came and played with Jillian until her nap. Auna was a good sport about getting wet too. Auna is so patient and fun with kids. Then Tierney joined them and Jillian wanted to show Tierney how high she could swing, "All by
myself". She really wants to try the zip line but I told her she had to be able to reach it all by herself which luckily is a about a foot away from her reach. At Disneyland we got her the neon bubble gun and this is the latest craze. Everybody and everything gets bubbles. It has been refilled about 10 times. These are the best of days for a 2 year old.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
A Day at Aunt Dianne's
Aunt Dianne helped out us out in a big way by watching Jillian last Friday, when all of the regular babysitters were away on vacation. Aunt Dianne has a blog, too, and she posted the story of her day with Jillian. You can see it by clicking here: My Life As Grandma
And just as a teaser, here's a photo of her pool time. When Jillian came home that day, she told us that the "whale" had bit her on the lips.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Jeep Washing
Monday, July 19, 2010
Horsey Girl

Sunday, July 18, 2010
The New Bedroom
On Friday, Aunties Greta and Sheryl and Uncle Richard came over to our house to help us move furniture, now that the carpet was installed in the bedrooms. We moved Mommy and Daddy's bed into their master bedroom, along with a couple of other things. But, we didn't yet have a new bed for Jillian. Uncle Richard suggested we use an inflatable mattress in the meantime, so we blew up the big queen air mattress that we have (usually for Kids' sleepovers). Then we threw a sheet and blanket on it.
That night, we told Jillian that she would get to sleep in her new bedroom. She was kind of excited about it, and had no problems laying down in it while we read a story to her. After turning out the lights and laying with her for a while, she eventually fell asleep. She would end up waking up a couple times throughout the night, but she went right back to sleep.
On Saturday morning, she woke up before Mommy and Daddy were out of bed. She wandered up and down the halls yelling "Mommy!" and "Daddy!". She was a little disoriented, not knowing where we were. After a minute or so, she found us in the new master bedroom, where she climbed onto the bed and started jumping around.
That night, we told Jillian that she would get to sleep in her new bedroom. She was kind of excited about it, and had no problems laying down in it while we read a story to her. After turning out the lights and laying with her for a while, she eventually fell asleep. She would end up waking up a couple times throughout the night, but she went right back to sleep.
On Saturday morning, she woke up before Mommy and Daddy were out of bed. She wandered up and down the halls yelling "Mommy!" and "Daddy!". She was a little disoriented, not knowing where we were. After a minute or so, she found us in the new master bedroom, where she climbed onto the bed and started jumping around.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A Day Out with Thomas

The next day, Jillian was still excited about her ride on Thomas. At church, she was yelling "I rode Thomas" to everyone she saw.
New Stuff XXVII
More stuff! Mostly memorable quotes from Jillian:
1. "What's this mean?" : Actually, she's asking us "what is this?", but it's close enough, so we go ahead and tell her what it is.
2. "I sure do" : This is something that Jillian says instead of "yes".
3. "Mmm-hmm" : Another thing that she says instead of "yes". Maybe she's just tired of answering "yes" all the time?
4. "Can I have baby in my tummy?" : Mommy just about flipped when she heard Jillian ask her this question. Jillian likes her babies, so we guess it was only natural for her to want to be like Mommy.
5. New Baby Names : Whenever we ask Jillian what the new baby should be named, she responds one of two ways. It's either "Apple Dumpling" (from her Strawberry Shortcake video) or it's "Richard".
6. "How's baby doing?" : This is a daily question, and Mommy answers "baby's doing fine". Jillian also likes to pat Mommy's tummy.
7. "I want to cheese" : Daddy's new Flip video camera sits on the dining room table, and Jillian likes to point at it and say this; meaning, she wants Daddy to take a video of her saying "cheese".
8. "Welcome to the wup-wup" : Yet another phrase that we have no idea where it came from, though the best guess is that it came from a video.
9. "Venti iced vanill lat" : If it's the weekend, it means that morning is coffee time. Jillian knows the routine, and when she wakes up, she immediately says "I want hot chocolate". Today, we were talking about Mommy's coffee, and Jillian said "venti iced vanill lat", probably because she's heard it so much.
1. "What's this mean?" : Actually, she's asking us "what is this?", but it's close enough, so we go ahead and tell her what it is.
2. "I sure do" : This is something that Jillian says instead of "yes".
3. "Mmm-hmm" : Another thing that she says instead of "yes". Maybe she's just tired of answering "yes" all the time?
4. "Can I have baby in my tummy?" : Mommy just about flipped when she heard Jillian ask her this question. Jillian likes her babies, so we guess it was only natural for her to want to be like Mommy.
5. New Baby Names : Whenever we ask Jillian what the new baby should be named, she responds one of two ways. It's either "Apple Dumpling" (from her Strawberry Shortcake video) or it's "Richard".
6. "How's baby doing?" : This is a daily question, and Mommy answers "baby's doing fine". Jillian also likes to pat Mommy's tummy.
7. "I want to cheese" : Daddy's new Flip video camera sits on the dining room table, and Jillian likes to point at it and say this; meaning, she wants Daddy to take a video of her saying "cheese".
8. "Welcome to the wup-wup" : Yet another phrase that we have no idea where it came from, though the best guess is that it came from a video.
9. "Venti iced vanill lat" : If it's the weekend, it means that morning is coffee time. Jillian knows the routine, and when she wakes up, she immediately says "I want hot chocolate". Today, we were talking about Mommy's coffee, and Jillian said "venti iced vanill lat", probably because she's heard it so much.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Hot Day-Waterfall
wet all over again. It was so hot in the sun that we got out the
little wading pool and set it up in the shade so they
could play. Jillian again decided that it felt better
without the restriction of clothes and would strip off
everything. After many hours of water fun it was time
for a nap for which there wasn't any objection. So far 3
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Sighting No. 53
The Forbidden Trampoline

By the way, the top photo has Jillian showing off her flowers that she picked at the Johnson's. She has become obsessed recently with picking every flower she can find, and then carrying them around with her wherever she goes.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The Big Beach Trip

One other thing to note was that Jillian went no. 2 on the potty, for the second time ever. When she got done, she ran into the middle of all the kids and said "I went poop in the potty!" The kids cheered, and Jillian had a big smile on her face.

Running in the Waves
Kids Days at the Beach
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