Sunday, July 18, 2010

The New Bedroom

On Friday, Aunties Greta and Sheryl and Uncle Richard came over to our house to help us move furniture, now that the carpet was installed in the bedrooms. We moved Mommy and Daddy's bed into their master bedroom, along with a couple of other things. But, we didn't yet have a new bed for Jillian. Uncle Richard suggested we use an inflatable mattress in the meantime, so we blew up the big queen air mattress that we have (usually for Kids' sleepovers). Then we threw a sheet and blanket on it.

That night, we told Jillian that she would get to sleep in her new bedroom. She was kind of excited about it, and had no problems laying down in it while we read a story to her. After turning out the lights and laying with her for a while, she eventually fell asleep. She would end up waking up a couple times throughout the night, but she went right back to sleep.

On Saturday morning, she woke up before Mommy and Daddy were out of bed. She wandered up and down the halls yelling "Mommy!" and "Daddy!". She was a little disoriented, not knowing where we were. After a minute or so, she found us in the new master bedroom, where she climbed onto the bed and started jumping around.

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