Sunday, July 11, 2010

New Stuff XXVII

More stuff! Mostly memorable quotes from Jillian:

1. "What's this mean?" : Actually, she's asking us "what is this?", but it's close enough, so we go ahead and tell her what it is.

2. "I sure do" : This is something that Jillian says instead of "yes".

3. "Mmm-hmm" : Another thing that she says instead of "yes". Maybe she's just tired of answering "yes" all the time?

4. "Can I have baby in my tummy?" : Mommy just about flipped when she heard Jillian ask her this question. Jillian likes her babies, so we guess it was only natural for her to want to be like Mommy.

5. New Baby Names : Whenever we ask Jillian what the new baby should be named, she responds one of two ways. It's either "Apple Dumpling" (from her Strawberry Shortcake video) or it's "Richard".

6. "How's baby doing?" : This is a daily question, and Mommy answers "baby's doing fine". Jillian also likes to pat Mommy's tummy.

7. "I want to cheese" : Daddy's new Flip video camera sits on the dining room table, and Jillian likes to point at it and say this; meaning, she wants Daddy to take a video of her saying "cheese".

8. "Welcome to the wup-wup" : Yet another phrase that we have no idea where it came from, though the best guess is that it came from a video.

9. "Venti iced vanill lat" : If it's the weekend, it means that morning is coffee time. Jillian knows the routine, and when she wakes up, she immediately says "I want hot chocolate". Today, we were talking about Mommy's coffee, and Jillian said "venti iced vanill lat", probably because she's heard it so much.

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