Monday, July 19, 2010

Horsey Girl

Jillian loves horses! Thanks to the Paul family, she has gotten to do quite a bit of riding on horses. Here's a photo of Jillian and Lindsey riding on "Jazz". Whenever we talk to Jillian about going to Cindy's or to see McKenna & Lindsey, the first thing that pops into her head is horses.

About a month ago, our neighbor Jack gave Jillian a little horsey-on-a-stick. It was something that he kept for his granddaughter Maddy, but now that she was grown up, he fixed it up and gave it to us. Jillian likes to ride the little horsey, like this photo shows. She calls the horsey either "Jazz" or "Cowboy". Note that she also likes to wear her "cow boots".

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