Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Forbidden Trampoline

The Johnson family brought home a trampoline a couple weeks ago. As soon as Mommy and Daddy found out, they said "no trampoline for Sweetie-Pie". Mommy had seen far too many broken bones come through the hospital that resulted from trampoline accidents. So, Jillian didn't get to jump on the trampoline ... at least for a while. Pretty soon, it seemed that she was finding her way onto the bouncer. And one day, while Daddy was picking up Jillian at Grannie's house, she was asking Tierney "can I go bounce?". She and Tierney went up to the Johnson's and did some bouncing, like this video below shows. At least the trampoline has a pretty strong net around it, and the kids know to be careful when Jillian is in there.

By the way, the top photo has Jillian showing off her flowers that she picked at the Johnson's. She has become obsessed recently with picking every flower she can find, and then carrying them around with her wherever she goes.

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